Dairy Systems

We can fulfil all your dairy shed and dairy farm electrical requirements, from helping you put a management plan together to the best options available.

Dairy Systems

We can fulfil all your dairy shed and dairy farm electrical requirements, from helping you put a management plan together to finding the best options available.

Don’t forget to check out our comprehensive maintenance programmes specifically designed for dairy farms and irrigation systems.

Modern dairy sheds and irrigation systems are essentially industrial units set in the countryside. They need to be treated as such and given regular maintenance. This sort of programmed maintenance will see fault work diminish either in frequency and or scale.

Protrack Systems

Calect Electrical are your local contracted installers of Livestock Improvement’s (LIC) Protrack Systems.

Temperature Sensors

Excessive heat in pump and vacuum systems is not good for the equipment nor is it good for your pocket.

Glycol Heat Recovery Systems

The Milfoss iConvertor system is designed to bring milk temperatures quickly down to 40C. This is all in aid of ensuring that your shed produces high milk quality by reducing bacteria counts.

Slow Down Systems Cups On

With a rotary shed if you cannot get the cups on quickly enough it means that the time available to milk the cow is reduced and the cups may be removed before the cow is properly milked

Silo Limits with Indicators

Calect can install indicator lights in your milking shed to show the position that the refrigeration valve/milking valve is in.

Effluent Irrigation Systems

Calect Electrical proudly partners with TracMap for the supply of effluent and irrigation monitoring equipment.


A backup generator is extremely useful in the event of a power outage. Generators come in a huge range of power outputs.

Backing Gate Remote Control

Backing gates often fail due to the control cables failing. The cables often fail due the constant movement of the cable as the gate moves.


UPS give you battery back-up to 230 volt power supply. This power supply will last for a few minutes and give you time to close down computers and avoid data loss.